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গ ইউনিট ২০১৭-২০১৮ || ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2017


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Reduces the number of wild animals
Exposes passengers and drivers to radiation
Causes biological disasters
Increases the risk of diseases
Is an unmixed blessing
Has caused serious hazards to life
Has produced powerful chemicals
Has benefited highly developed nations
Benefits others
Misuses benefits
Benefits from an investment
Derives advantage from something
Widespread and short- lived
Not widespread
Responsible for health problems
Limited in their effects
Abundance of food
Disturbance in the ecological system
Disturbance in the weather patterns
Water pollution
Scissors: barber
Painter: Color
Cloth: Tailor
Wagon : Farmer
Flour : Cake
Fish : Water
Banana : Ice cream
Our printer’s don’t work too good
I introduced him to one of my friend
Coming back home he found his key not anywhere
Ask for assistance from someone around you.
Something common
Something very rare
Something we need
Something very costly